Palm Sunday (14 April) at 11.00am: Sung Eucharist and reading of the Passion.
Palm Sunday (14 April) at 4.30pm: Taizé service for Palm Sunday, preceded by fellowship and refreshments in the hall from 3.45pm. All welcome to this quiet, reflective service.
Tuesday 16 April at 11.00am: Said Eucharist.
Maundy Thursday (18 April) at 7.00pm: Sung Eucharist and stripping of the altar.
Good Friday (19 April) at 12noon: The Stations of the Cross.
Easter Vigil (Saturday 20 April) at 8.00pm: Sung Eucharist and lighting of the Easter fire.
Easter Sunday (21 April) at 11.00am: Sung Eucharist. This will be Margaret’s final service with St Finnian’s, as she is moving to Edinburgh.