Family Pilgrim Walk

27 August 2018

Do come along on Saturday 1 September to the Benarty and Lochgelly Churches Together Family Pilgrim Walk. St Finnian’s are an integral part of this ecumenical group and we have immense Diocesan support for the walk, and ACTS (Action for Churches Together in Scotland) have paid for our flyers.

The walk, which is following a local part of the new Fife Pilgrim Way, starts at 1.45pm for 2.00pm at the car park at the Kelty entrance to the Lochore Meadows Country Park and follows a wheelchair- and buggy-friendly walk on level paths for about two miles through the park to the Willie Clarke Centre. There is a quiz for children covering this section of the route. There will be a gazebo in the field next to the Centre building, with refreshments and activities for children and adults provided.

Keen walkers are encouraged to continue the walk up to Harelaw Cairn, where there will be a brief stop for a short act of worship. The distance to Harelaw Cairn and back to the gazebo is two miles. The afternoon will finish with an act of celebratory worship in the gazebo at around 4.30pm. All are welcome, local or not!